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Norodom Sihanouk

Norodom Sihanouk (1922– ), leader of Cambodia (1941–70, 1975–76, 1993– ). Originally installed as king, he abdicated and became premier (1955) while his father ruled. On his father's death he again became head of state (1960). During the French war in Indochina and the Vietnam War he tried to keep Cambodia neutral. He was forcibly overthrown by right-wing military leader Lon Nol (1970). Fleeing to China, he formed a government in exile, and was returned to power when Lon Nol was deposed by the left-wing guerrilla forces known as the Khmer Rouge (1975). He resigned from power April 1976. During the 1980s he remained involved in resistance to the Vietnam-backed government, leading the rebel coalition. In 1991 Sihanouk returned from exile and became head of the rebellion coalition and government. He won the 1993 elections and was then crowned king again.

See also: Kampuchea.

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21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia - Nebular hypothesis to Norse mythology