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Peloponnesian War

Peloponnesian War (431–404 B.C.) war between the rival Greek city-states, Athens and Sparta, that ended Athenian dominance and marked the beginning of the end of Greek civilization. The first phase (431–421) was inconclusive because Athenian sea power was matched by Spartan land power. A stalemate was acknowledged by the Peace of Nicias, named for the third Athenian leader in the war, following Pericles and Cleon. His leadership was then challenged by Alcibiades, who initiated the second and decisive phase of the conflict (418–404). In an attack on Syracuse in 413, the Athenians suffered a major defeat. The Spartans, with Persian aid, built up a powerful fleet under the leadership of Lysander, who blockaded Athens and forced the final surrender.

See also: Athens; Greece, Ancient; Sparta.

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