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Recife (pop. 1,340,000), capital of Pernambuco, state in northeastern Brazil. Located at the mouths of the Capibaribe and Berberibe rivers on the Atlantic Ocean, the city was settled by the Portuguese in 1535. The British held it briefly (1595), as did the Dutch (1630–54). In 1710 Recife became a Brazilian town, and in 1823 a city. Part of Recife is on an island; because of many intersecting waterways, is often called the Brazilian Venice. Manufactured goods include textiles, ceramics, synthetic rubber, paper and leather products, and agricultural goods. Its port exports large quantities of bananas, sugar, coffee, and cotton. Recife is an educational center with 4 universities.

See also: Brazil.

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21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia - Raft to Respiratory distress syndrome