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Refrigeration, removal of heat from an enclosure in order to lower its temperature. It is used for freezing water or food, for food preservation, for air conditioning, and for low-temperature chemical processes and cryogenics studies and applications. Modern refrigerators are insulated cabinets containing a compressor, which forces a refrigerant gas, such as ammonia or freon, to pass through a condenser; losing heat through condensation, the refrigerant gas goes through refrigeration coils, where it vaporizes, removing heat from the coils, and returns as a gas to the compressor for another cycle. In another system compression is accomplished by absorbing the refrigerant in a secondary fluid, such as salt water, and pumping the solution through a heat exchanger to a generator, where it is heated to drive off the refrigerant at high pressure. Other cycles, similar in principle, using steam or air, are also used.

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