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Shaftesbury, 3 important English earls, each bearing the name Anthony Ashley Cooper. The 1st earl (1621–83) was a founder of the Whig Party and a staunch Protestant. After supporting both Cromwell and the Restoration, he became Lord Chancellor (1672) but was dismissed (1673) for supporting the Test Act. He then built up the Whig opposition to Charles II, supporting the duke of Monmouth, the pretender, and opposing James II's successor. He was acquitted of treason (1681) but fled to the Netherlands (1682). The 3rd earl (1671–1713), grandson of the 1st, was a moral philosopher and pupil of John Locke. He aimed to found an ethical system based on an innate moral sense. The 7th earl (1801–85) was a politician and leading evangelical Christian who promoted legislation to improve conditions in mines and factories and supported movements for better housing and schools.

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21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia - Serum to Singing