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Western Sahara

Western Sahara, formerly Spanish Sahara, area in northwest Africa, comprising 100,848 sq mi (252,120 sq km) of mainly desert; bordered by the Atlantic Ocean in the west, Morocco in the north, Algeria in the northeast, and Mauritania in the east and south. Western Sahara is rich in phosphate deposits. The people are Arabs and Berbers. Western Sahara was a Spanish province from 1958 to 1976, when the territory was transferred to Morocco and Mauritania. Mauritania gave up its claim in 1979, following guerrilla action by nationalists seeking self-government of the Saharans, but Morocco continues to occupy the area, with U.S. arms support. The nationalists have renamed the area the Sacharawi Arab Democratic Republic. In December 1998, a referendum regarding the future status of the country is expected to be held among an electorate of approximately 80,000 voters.

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21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia - Watermelon to Will