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Zagreb (pop. 706,800), capital of the republic of Croatia. Zagreb occupies the site of an early Roman settlement that was also home to Slavic tribes from c.A.D. 600. The present city of Zagreb grew from the merger of 2 earlier towns, Kaptol and Gradac, in the 16th century. It was part of the Austro-Hun-garian Empire until 1918, when Croatia, Dalmatia, and Slovenia declared themselves independent. It is a cultural and industrial center, supplying machinery, leather, Pharmaceuticals and chemicals, textiles, metal, and paper. Zagreb is characterized by parks and open squares, and is home to Zagreb University, a national theater, and various galleries and museums.

See also: Yugoslavia; Croatia.

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21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia - Yap Islands to Zworykin, Vladimir Kosma