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Richard Eberhart

Eberhart, Richard (1904– ), U.S. poet and founder of the Poet's Theatre, Cambridge, Mass. Eberhart published his first book of poems, A Bravery of Earth, in 1930. His poetry makes use of the surprise effects of mixed abstractions and outcry, rough meters, inverted word orders, and sudden, striking lyricism. Eberhart served as Poetry Consultant and Honorary Consultant in American Letters to the Library of Congress. He won the Bollingen Prize in poetry in 1962, the Pulitzer Prize in 1966 for his Selected Poems (1930–1965), and the National Book Award in 1977 for Collected Poems, 1930–1976.

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21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia - Dream to Eijkman, Christiaan