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Gastritis, inflammation of the stomach lining, which can be either acute or chronic. Symptoms include sensation of dullness in the upper abdomen, loss of appetite, fever (in acute gastritis), nausea and vomiting (in acute gastritis), diarrhea, general aches and pains, intolerance to certain foods (in chronic gastritis), and anemia (in chronic gastritis). The acute condition may be caused by dietary indiscretion, specific food intolerances, chemical irritants (such as alcohol and aspirin), or food poisoning or many types of inflammation caused by bacteria or other microorganisms. Chronic gastritis, less common, can be associated with gastric ulcer, cancer of the stomach wall, and pernicious anemia. Diagnosis is established with the chemical and histological analysis of gastric secretions, gastroscopy, and X rays. For acute gastritis, treatment usually consists of removal of irritants and resting of the stomach.

See also: Stomach.

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21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia - Gabor, Dennis to Ghetto