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Greensboro (pop. 942,091), second largest city in North Carolina, seat of Guilford County. Located in the Piedmont region, about 78 mi (126 km) northwest of Raleigh, it is a major industrial center. Noted for its textile manufacturing, it also has terra-cotta works, machine shops, and cigarette plants. In addition, it is an insurance center and trading center for tobacco grown in the surrounding region. Among its many educational institutions are Greensboro College, the North Carolina Agricultural and Technical College, Bennett College, Guilford College, and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Settled in 1749, it was chartered in 1808. The city is named for the Revolutionary War general Nathanael Greene, who commanded one of the last battles of the war, fought in the vicinity.

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21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia - Grand Rapids to Hadron