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Haymarket Square Riot

Haymarket Square Riot, violent confrontation between labor organizers and police in Chicago's Haymarket Square on May 4, 1886. After several workers were killed and others injured in a May 3 demonstration for the 8-hr work day, an outdoor meeting was held the following day. During the meeting a bomb was thrown at the police, who were attempting to disband the crowd of some 1500 people. In the ensuing riot, 4 workers and 7 police officers died. Afterward 8 anarchists were convicted of inciting violence, although no evidence was ever found linking them to the bomb. Four of them were hanged, 1 committed suicide, and 3 were pardoned by Governor John Atgeld in 1893.

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21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia - Haeckel, Ernst von to Health Insurance, National