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Human being

Human being (Homo sapiens), extremely adaptable mammal with highly-developed brain and nervous system, and ability to speak. Related to monkeys and apes, human beings differ from them physically by having the ability to stand and walk upright and by having a larger and more fully developed brain. Humans also use language, a trait that significantly distinguishes them from every other animal. Most scientists believe that the first recognizably human-like beings appeared in what is now Africa some 2 million years ago. This prehistoric human, referred to as Homo habilis, later developed into Homo erectus, who lived throughout Africa, Asia, and Europe and probably learned how to make and use fire. Homo erectus also hunted and used tools. The physical form humans have today began to appear about 40,000 years ago. Generally, humans seem to have begun as hunters and gatherers of food and to have gradually developed agricultural and industrial societies.

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21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia - Hobbema, Meindert to Human Rights, Declaration of