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Kennedy, U.S. family prominent in government, politics, and business. Joseph Patrick Kennedy (1888–1969) chaired the Securities and Exchange Commission (1934–35) and the U.S. Maritime Commission (1936–37) and served as U.S. ambassador to Great Britain (1937–40). The oldest son of Joseph Patrick and Rose Kennedy, Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. (1915–44), a U.S. Navy pilot, was killed in World War II. John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917–63) was elected 35th president of the United States in 1960. Robert Francis Kennedy (1925–68) was appointed U.S. attorney general in 1961 and elected U.S. senator from New York in 1965. A fourth son, Edward Moore Kennedy (1932– ), has been a U.S. senator from Massachusetts since 1962. The 5 Kennedy daughters are Rosemary, Kathleen, Eunice, Patricia, and Jean.

See also: Kennedy, Edward Moore; Kennedy, John Fitzgerald; Kennedy, Robert Francis; Smithsonian Institution.

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