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Winnie Mandela

Mandela, Winnie (Winifred Nomzamo Madikileza; 1936?– ), anti-apartheid activist in the Republic of South Africa, wife of Nelson Mandela. During her husband's imprisonment (1962–90) she frequently spoke on his behalf. Her popularity has declined since 1988 as a result of her supposed involvement in various crimes, particularly her link with the so-called Mandela United Football Club, blamed for the kidnapping and assault of African youths. In 1991, after a 14-week trial, Mandela was found guilty of kidnapping 4 black youths from a church in 1988, as part of an alleged conspiracy to discredit a white minister. The conviction is being appealed.

See also: Apartheid; Mandela, Nelson.

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21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia - Lyon, Mary to Manu