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Merovingian, dynasty of Frankish kings (A.D. 428–751) who governed Gaul. They were named for the 5th-century king Merovech; his grandson Clovis I first united much of France. The kingdom was later partitioned, but enlarged and reunited (A.D. 613) under Clotaire II. The Merovingians governed through the remnants of the old Roman administration and established Catholic Christianity. After Dagobert I in the 7th century, the kings became known as rois-fainéants (do-nothings), and power passed to the mayors of the palace, nominally high officials. The last of these, Pepin the Short, deposed the last Merovingian, Childeric III and founded the Carolingian dynasty.

See also: Carolingian; Gaul.

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