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Australian Literary Studies


a biennial journal originally conceived in 1963 by James McAuley (then Reader in Poetry at the University of Tasmania) as a forum for specifically scholarly writing on Australian literature. The founding editor was L. T. Hergenhan with whom ALS moved from the University of Tasmania to the University of Queensland in 1975. Widely acknowledged work on the history of Australian literature has been accompanied by careful attention to current writing with essays on living authors in each issue. ‘Notes and Documents’, recording small, preliminary items of research, and a number of reviews, are regular features. The journal makes a major contribution to sustaining scholarship with an annual bibliography of Australian literary studies, primarily based upon the records of the Fryer Memorial Library, in the University of Queensland.

Additional topics

Literature Reference: American Literature, English Literature, Classics & Modern FictionEncyclopedia of Literature: Areley Kings (or arley regis) Worcestershire to George Pierce Baker Biography